Your key to corporate hotel booking
Book the best hotels at the best prices.
RoomsCo is connected to over 10 local and international hotel wholesalers with over 600,000 hotels worldwide, giving your company access to exclusive discount rates.
Request a Free QuoteMade to fit your business
Minimizing cost, maximizing control of corporate hotel booking.
Save Money
- Access to discounted rates when booking hotels;
- Higher booking of contracted rates with directly contracted hotels;
- Significantly higher compliance with corporate booking policies.
Save Time
- Quickly book your preferred hotels at your chosen destinations;
- No need to search multiple websites to get the best rate;
- Made-for-you reports on expenses and savings.
Take Control
- Contract effectively with hotels based on detailed booking history;
- Reporting tool identifies new opportunities to save or contract directly;
- Identify lack of compliance with corporate policy;
- Ensure the correct rate is paid when staying at contracted hotels.