The recent news about the Covid-19 pandemic, led the Portuguese government to launch new measures to contain the spread. A new variant, called “Omicron”, has led several countries to take new restrictions on international travel.

For all those who have business trips or others scheduled from December 1st, RoomsCo has gathered all the information to clarify all your doubts.

Do you need a Covid test to return to Portugal?

From December 1st, whenever you return to Portugal you will need to submit a negative test to Covid. This applies to national and foreign citizens. Even if you are already vaccinated, you will always need this test. All children over 12 years old also need to submit this test.

This rule only applies to all those arriving in Continental Portugal, regardless of the destination country. The Azores and Madeira are guided by their own rules.

It is mandatory for those arriving by air, land or sea.

Who checks your Covid test?

The airline where you will return to Portugal is responsible for checking your negative test during check-in. They incur a fine of 20.000 euros if there is an infraction and may even have their licenses suspended.

Do you need to present the negative test to Covid upon departure at a Portuguese airport?

In this case, you must confirm the rules of the countries you are traveling to. The negative test is mandatory for everyone returning to Portugal.

If you are going on a short 1-day trip, do you need to make another Covid test when you come to Portugal?

If the Covid test you took before the trip is valid, you can use it when you return to Portugal. Keep in mind that PCR tests last 72 hours and antigen tests 48 hours. However, you should be aware of all flight delays. This can lead to the test losing its validity.

Which COVID-19 tests can you use on your return to Portugal?

You can use two types of tests. PCR test taken within 72 hours of departure in a laboratory. Or an antigen test taken within 48 hours of departure on a drugstore. Self-tests are excluded. You must always do it in the country you are departing from, unless the 1st test you took is still within the expiration date. To be recognized, they must contain the date, time and type of test performed.

Is there any flight connection suspended?

Yes. The appearance of the Omicron variant in South Africa, led the Portuguese Government to suspend flights to and from the following countries:

  • South Africa
  • Botswana
  • Essuatini
  • Lesotho
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Zimbabwe

Who is responsible for checking all rules?

The security service and the Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) are responsible for checking all rules.

Do you frequently travel for business?

RoomsCo can help you manage your bookings so that your staff have a more productive and safer trip.

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— Written by Daniela Espinheira